Wrestlers in Business Network

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Manheim, PA - On behalf of the Wrestlers in Business Network (WIBN) Board of Directors and all of our local WIBN chapter leaders, I hope everyone is able to navigate through the COVID-19 Pandemic challenges successfully. Please remember that central to the core mission of WIBN is to provide a platform for wrestlers to help wrestlers. There is probably no better time for our various WIBN chapters to host regular zoom meetings/webinars with their Board members and/or general membership to make sure there is a platform for wrestling alumni to help each other navigate through these extraordinary times.  

This might be a good time to reflect on the primary purposes that WIBN was created by two co-founders, Aaron Grossman and John Licata. These two extraordinary and visionary leaders set WIBN on a remarkable course to accomplish some bold and audacious Goals & Objectives. I think it is essential that we routinely measure the effectiveness of the various WIBN Chapter initiatives against these stated Goals and Objectives. So, I thought I would take a moment to illustrate some examples of what local WIBN Chapters have done to advance our WIBN mission: 

  • Provide a platform for wrestling alumni, wrestling fans, etc. to help each other in times of need.

Example: Just recently, the WIBN/Princeton Chapter Board (led by Joe Savino and Dr. Mark McLaughlin) was made aware of a local wrestling family that was incurring a significant financial hardship. The WIBN/Princeton Chapter Board met and approved the allocation of funds to help this family navigate through a challenging time.

  • Provide a network for wrestling alumni to do business with each other:

Example: Just recently, the NWCA was looking to outsource its bookkeeping operations to a CPA firm. This was much more complicated due to software integration challenges. Vinny Fantegrossi, past president of the WIBN/SW Florida Chapter, connected us with large, national CPA/Accounting firm (Withum) with an entire technology division. The NWCA received a deep WIBN discount, and we saved thousands of dollars in implementation costs while gaining access to very high-level accounting and strategic planning expertise.  

  • Provide a platform to help young aspiring wrestlers and wrestling alumni advance their careers.

Example: Several years ago, the WIBN/Lancaster Chapter hosted a career day for college wrestlers that was part of a wrestling tournament hosted at F&M College. The college teams arrived early so the wrestlers could connect with many central Pennsylvania business leaders for career advice and interviews.

  • As a by-product of successful local chapter networking events, revenue that is generated from the events can be reinvested by the local WIBN Board back into local wrestling charitable causes.

Example:  Last fall, WIBN/Metro New York Chapter Board (led by Richie Applebaum and Ed Rufrano) hosted a terrific networking dinner at the New York Athletic Club and raised over $140,000. The proceeds were used to support the Hofstra and Long Island University (LIU) wrestling programs. The Long Island University wrestling program initially needed the most help in that they are migrating from NCAA Division II membership status to a much more costly NCAA Division I membership status just as the COVID-19 Pandemic hit. As a result, much of the proceeds will be allocated to build a new wrestling practice room and supplement the operating budget at LIU. I want to give a shout out to the LIU President (President Kimberly Cline) and Athletic Director (Dr. Bill Martinov) for their incredible support of the WIBN networking event and their willingness to fully embrace the philanthropic work of our WIBN Chapter.  

  • Perhaps the most impactful thing we can do to protect scholastic and college wrestling programs is to have an organized group of highly influential business leaders be very visible in and around each of our college campuses.

Example: Several years ago, Cleveland State University announced it was going to discontinue its varsity wrestling program. Several of our WIBN/Cleveland business leaders (some of which were not even Cleveland State alums) leveraged their networks to get the decision rescinded in just a few days. Over 50 years of history and tradition of the CSU wrestling program was saved as the result of the extraordinary work. 

  • Provide a vehicle for business leaders to mentor scholastic and collegiate coaches.

Example: Over the past few years, our WIBN/Princeton, WIBN/Cleveland, WIBN/Metro New York Chapters hosted CEO Leadership Academies for high school boys and girls wrestling coaches in their respective regions. The NWCA covers most of the workshops' costs, and the local chapters handle most of the marketing/promotion. What better way for scholastic coaches to sharpen their CEO skills than for high profile business leaders to help mentor them on the implementation of the various concepts that they learn in the Academy?      


Please know I could go on for pages with many other initiatives that our 20 WIBN Chapters across the nation have implemented in support of the Goals & Objectives outlined above. The key to the sustained success of the WIBN concept is predicated on our current chapter's commitment to innovation in these challenging times combined with our ability to establish new chapters in regions where we don't have a presence. If you want to help us establish a new chapter, please call Mike Moyer at 717.330.2123, so we can get started right away. Thanks for your consideration of this request and best wishes for a safe and healthy summer.


Growing wrestling together, Mike