Wrestlers in Business Network

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WIBN National Golf Outing

Our inaugural WIBN Convention Golf Outing was a huge success!  Great course, great people, and a great networking event to bring together people from across the country.  Thanks so much to Dye's Valley and TPC Sawgrass for making this a great event!  We had some great golf being played and our winning team came from the great state of New Jersey.  Looking forward to another great convention and golf outing next year.


WIBN is a networking group for former wrestlers and those who have supported the sport.  Membership is $50 per year and goes to support our overall goal of advocacy in growing, promoting, and protecting the support.  Member benefits include: 

  • 12-month subscription to our online savings program (VIP Bonus Rewards)

  • Access to the WIBN member directory to conduct outreach and nation-wide networking

  • Discounted fees for WIBN-hosted events

  • Subscription to both the NWCA and WIBN monthly newsletter

  • Knowing that you are supporting wrestling and its' continued success


To learn more about joining WIBN, please visit:  https://www.wrestlersinbusiness.org/join