Dustin Schlatter

Dustin Schlatter




Sales Director




FreightWise, LLC.




Minneapolis, MN


Connect with Dustin: https://www.linkedin.com/public-profile/settings?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_self_edit_contact-info%3BxE%2BEw%2FhdRG%2Bz0Lwc5vZfKQ%3D%3D


When did you join WIBN?




How did you get involved with wrestling?


My father wrestled a few years in high school but became more involved in grappling during his time in law enforcement. My older brother started, and I tagged along.


What do you do professionally? Tell a little about your professional journey.  Feel free to promote yourself or your company/business. Include website, etc.


I work in the supply chain software space as a sales director at FreightWise - a SaaS based logistics technology and data company. After many years coaching at the U of M and the Gopher Wrestling Club, I stepped down to pursue a new challenge - one that would allow greater flexibility and more time with family.


What made you choose that path and why do you enjoy it?


I was initially drawn to FreightWise because of several key leaders come from the wrestling community. I identified with several core values of the company: hard work, accountability, and transparency. I enjoy working in the fast paced, ever-changing world of logistics with a company dedicated to innovation. Partnering with a diverse range of companies, connecting with new people, and helping solve challenges has been very rewarding.


How did wrestling prepare you for your professional career? What were the intangible benefits you learned through the sport (discipline, goal-setting, commitment, resilience, etc)?


The core tenants of wrestling: discipline, resilience, goal setting, accountability. As a wrestler, it's crucial to self-reflect, evolve, and innovate to stay ahead; professionally I have found it to be no different.

Thomas Fallis